Coin Master Price List

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  1. Coin Master Price List Per
  2. Price List Examples
  3. Coin Master New Village Price List
  4. Old Coin Price List
  5. Price List Template

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Top 10 Masternode Coins in 2021

Based on my research, I’ve compiled a list of the best masternode coins in 2021. My criteria for choosing include development team and potential, stability of the coin, required investment and ROI.

CoinPriceROIMN worthRequired# of nodesGo to
Dash (DASH) $204.62 nan% N/A DASH MN
Pivx (PIVX) $1.27 nan% N/A PIVX MN
Chaincoin (CHC) $0.34 nan% N/A CHC MN
SmartCash (SMART) $0.01 nan% N/A SMART MN
Syscoin (SYS) $0.19 nan% N/A SYS MN
Zcoin (XZC) $4.97 nan% N/A XZC MN
Phore (PHORE) $0.37 nan% N/A PHORE MN
Stakenet (XSN) $0.29 nan% N/A XSN MN
Bulwark (BWK) $0.09 nan% N/A BWK MN
Blocknet (BLOCK) $3.68 nan% N/A BLOCK MN

What Is a Masternode?

To understand what a masternode is, we first need to explore the different roles in a blockchain.

All users install a wallet to access their coins and operate with them – that is known as a node, a point of access in the network. With it, you can send and receive funds, perhaps stake and keep a simplified (partial) copy of the blockchain.

Masternodes on the other hand, not only store a full copy of the blockchain, but they also provide specialized functions to all members of the network. For example, in Dash we are presented with enhanced privacy of transactions and instant sending of funds. In other currencies, you may come across budgeting and treasury systems. In most cases, you, as the host of a masternode, will also receive voting rights on proposals for modifications to the consensus, altering the block size or reward and other network-wide changes. As such, you’re not only entitled, but also responsible for your actions.

Reward System

The rules governing the reward system can differ from coin to coin. Alongside masternodes, some networks have miners, others stakers. The split of rewards among participants is according to a pre-defined set of rules, of which you can inform yourselves beforehand. As a masternode, you receive a percentage of every block reward issued in the network, as besides enabling specific functions on the network, you also verify transactions, and for that, you’re paid.

The rate of earning a reward, however, depends on many different factors, including the number of miners/stakers in the network, number of masternodes, consensus algorithm and validation rules etc. In any case, you will be required to keep your machine online 24/7 to ensure you’re supporting the network and to keep yourself eligible for earning rewards.


Each network has a different approach to payouts. Some distribute earnings multiple times a day, others pay masternode operators once daily. To be eligible for a reward, as I previously mentioned, you need to be online constantly and furthermore, the amount you’ve invested will have to be “locked”. In essence, you cannot use those coins for any other goals. If you decide to stop hosting a masternode, however, you’re free to withdraw those coins.

How Are Masternodes Different From Staking

The main difference between masternodes and staking is that unlike staking, where you can operate with your coins to some extent and split them into smaller batches, with masternodes you need to lock in the amount. Furthermore, to establish a masternode you need a sizeable investment. On the plus side, unlike staking, where earning a reward is somewhat like a lottery, with masternodes you’re guaranteed an income.

If you’re interested in learning more about staking, how it works and which the best staking coins are, visit the following page.

We buy coins price list

How to Set Up a Masternode

Hot and Cold Masternodes

Masternodes in the cryptosphere can be hosted using either hot or cold wallets. Each variant has their set of advantages and disadvantages, but in a nutshell: hot wallets are for day-to-day use, operating with small amounts of coins and cold wallets – for holding and storing long-term with increased security. These properties are valid for hot and cold masternodes as well, as they’re pretty much interchangeable terms.

  • Hot Masternode Setup

    The process is straightforward. To begin, you’ll need either a remote Windows or Linux server (VPS) or a dedicated PC. When you have access to one, install your wallet and wait for it to synchronize the entire blockchain. Once that step is complete, next, you’ll need to send the specified amount of coins to your VPS wallet address.

    Make sure you send the exact amount, as all wallets are specific in that regard and won’t confirm you as a masternode if you don’t.

    Next up, configure your wallet file accordingly and make sure you’ve encrypted and backed up everything. This is so you avoid any chances of being hacked or losing access to your funds. In the end, no matter how many measures you take towards increasing your security, you’ll be vulnerable either to the outside world, your VPS provider tracking your information, accessing your filesystem etc. This is where we come to the next best thing – cold staking.

  • Cold Masternode Setup

    To set up a cold masternode, you’ll require two wallets – one for your VPS server (hot wallet) and one for your local machine – the cold storage. You won’t be storing any coins on your VPS wallet and as such, you’ll be maximizing the security of your funds.

    Your local wallet will be storing your private keys and allow you full control over your coins. The idea is that you delegate the day to day operation to your hot wallet, which is online 24/7 and will represent you for all intents and purposes in the network.

    That is how, you’ll be able to get the best of both worlds – all day availability for receiving rewards and the highest level of security.


Coin Master Price List
  • Yes, you can. Provided you can supply it with enough storage space to download the blockchain, you can use it either as the node itself or simply replace your VPS.
  • VPS or Virtual Private Server is a virtual machine that is supplied by a web hosting company. You can run an independent installation of an OS, be that Windows or Linux and use it for hosting a masternode. You’ll receive a static IP address and 99.9% uptime which will guarantee your stability and efficiency in making a profit from masternodes.
  • Depending on the cryptocurrency itself, you may need a VPS with different OS, network bandwidth and/or hardware to be able to run a masternode. You can find all requirements by following the links from the top 10 masternodes list, or via the website’s navigation.
  • The choice is entirely yours, however, based on my own experience and market research, some of the top suppliers include Amazon EC2, DigitalOcean Droplets, Vultr, Linode, Microsoft Azure, Choopa and others.
  • Do I need any specials skills to set up a masternode?
    Most if not all masternodes use Ubuntu Linux for their VPS as it’s a lightweight OS. While not mandatory, basic Linux skills will surely be a plus.

Coin Master villages cost coins to build. For every new village you build in Coin Master you need more coins. The first village costs only a mere 3 million coins. The second village will cost you a little over 5 million. Moving up to village 33 you need already over 100 million coins. This amount grows to billions of coins if you are past village 75. Then villages cost you serious amount of coins. To know how much coins are needed to complete building a village you can use a simple calculation. This is not exact, but will get you really close:

30 x the cost of the first star on the last line when building a village

How to calculate the costs of a village in Coin Master

An example. Imagine you are on village 192 – Basketball then the cost of the first star on the last line is 2,786,680. Multiply that with 30 and you see that you need 83,6 billion coins to complete this village. You’d better start stacking your coins for this one. If you need more free spins to get along make sure you get your daily free spins! But this is only village 192. If you advance even further you need even more coins. So try to master yourself in getting really good in playing events or getting big raids from your friends. My tip for you: Don’t get scared. Just go for the big raids 😉

We did the math for you

Since math isn’t as simple for everybody, or you are just lazy (like me) we did the math for you. Below you find the list of all current villages up to 314. For each village we also calculated the total village cost for you. So don’t forget to check out this list before you start to build your village.

Build your villages during Village Master or Village Mania

Building villages is costly. That’s why it is best to build your village during a village event. At this moment there are 2 village events: Village Master and Village Mania. In Village Master you get free spins, coins and XP when you complete your village during the event. In Village Mania you get a discount on the village items during the event. Make sure you use at least one of these events because it will lower the cost of your village. Even better: use both events for maximum discount and free rewards.

Build your villages at once to avoid extra village costs

If you start to build items in your village there is a chance that you get attacked. Of course you have your shields to protect you from attacks, but these shields won’t last forever. Depending on the village you are on you have 3 or 5 of them. If they are gone, and you don’t have Rhino activated, your village items are damaged. That means you have to re-buy them. After the first attack you have to pay half the amount the items costs, but after a second attack you have to pay full price. If you build your village at once you cannot get attacked and you keep your village costs low. Of course you need a lot of coins to do this so read all about the big raids technique.

All your questions about village costs answered


Can I get a discount on the Coin Master Village cost?

Normally you have to pay the full price for your village. But if you buy your village items during Village Mania you get a discount. There are two types of Village Mania. First, there is the one in which you get 20% discount on all items. Second, there is the one in which you get a 65% discount on the items on the last row (the most expensive village items). If you combine both, you can save up to 35% on the total village price. Also, once every year there is Golden Age. That is a period of mega events in Coin Master. During this period there usually also is a 20% discount on all village items.

Should I build villages only during Village Master

You can build and complete villages at all times, but the total village cost is the lowest when you use a village master or village mania event when you build and / or complete a village.

Is it best to buy chests after I complete a village

Coin Master Price List Per

In every village you can find cards to complete your card sets. Therefore it is a very good idea to buy chests after you complete a village. The amount of coins you spend on a village raises, but also you are able to complete your card sets more easy. And of course you have the highest chance to get all rare cards.

How many villages does Coin Master have

At this moment (March 2021) there are 314 villages in Coin Master. The latest confirmed village price is over 3 trillion coins for village 314.

How much does my village in Coin Master cost?

Price List Examples

You can calculate the total village cost by multiplying the cost of the first item on the last row by 30. Of course you can use the list on this page too.

Coin Master New Village Price List

Why are villages in Coin Master so expensive?

Old Coin Price List

It is fairly hard to build villages once you are over village 100. Why? Because Coin Master hopes you spend real money on buying spins. If you play with the right tactics you can play and build villages for free.

Price List Template

What were the costs of your last village?

What village did you complete the last? Did the cost of the village match the numbers above? If not, please let me know and we will adjust the list. Good luck building the next village!